A contemporary fantasy novel that follows Briseis, a teenage girl with a unique ability to control plants. When she inherits a mysterious estate from her birth family, she discovers secrets about her lineage and must navigate dangerous forces that threaten her newfound sanctuary.
Your purchase includes:
- This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron (signed, exclusive OwlCrate Edition)**
- Reversible dust jacket artwork from LAB Illustration
- Exclusive This Poison Heart author letter
- Ceramic OwlCrate TBR Jar (designed by Lichen and Limestone)
- Three Dark Crowns-inspired popsicle mold (designed by @paperbackbones)
- Narnia-inspired bottle key chain (designed by Blissfully Bookish Co.)
- Labyrinth Lost-inspired poison garden tea towel (designed by Aimee Mac Illustration)
- The Midnight Lie-inspired bubble elixir (created by Fiction Bath Co.)
- Alice in Wonderland-inspired enamel bookmark (designed by Herborealarts)
- Exclusive OwlCrate This Poison Heart-inspired enamel pin (designed by Icey Designs)
Photo by: @a.o.tales, Babs Books, @taylortakesphotos, and @betterwithabookinmyhand (from Instagram)
**Please note: This edition of This Poison Heart features a red coral case with gold foil of 3 women (see images).
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If you have questions, need more help or have a brilliant idea, reach out to our team at wholesale@owlcrate.com.